Saturday, September 5, 2009

God is so good!!

I know its been a long time since I've posted, but aside from lots of stuff happening, I just wasnt sure if anyone really read this thing anyway!!! LOL!!!!

Anyhow...God is AMAZING!!! We've had a great weekend, and I thought I'd share it with ya!

In my last post, I mentioned Tyler's glasses, and the problem he had in his right eye. Well, we had his follow up visit after school yesterday. The nurse came in, did a vision test, tested his glasses to make sure they were the right prescription (they are), then took some notes, and left, then we waited for the dr. to come in. He came in, and did another vision test on Tyler. He said he was shocked and amazed! Tyler's vision had improved so drastically, he didnt believe the nurse's notes! So he wanted to do the test again to see for himself!!! He just sat there for a minute, and looked at me. Then he said 'we got really lucky! I really had thought the brain had already shut off in that eye, but it hasn't, and its gotten so much better so quickly!' Little does dr know, we're not lucky, we're BLESSED!!!!!! A month ago, Tyler's vision in his right eye was 20/100, now, its between 20/30-20/40! The dr. just really didnt have much to say! He was so impressed and speechless! He still wants to do a few more things to strengthen his right eye, and get his vision even closer to 20/20, but he is super happy for now!!!!

Then, as if that blessing wasn't enough, God REALLY wanted to show himself to me yesterday! We began the process for a loan modification back in early June. Through lots of ridiculous-ness and crazy-ness, they finally told us we should know, either way, if we were approved or not, by mid-August. I've been calling and calling, being the 'squeaky wheel' my realtor told me to be, and still have just been told 'keep waiting, we're working on it'. So when I called to get an update yesterday, he pulled our file, said we were approved, and our new payment is over $500 LESS per month!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just in shock! I couldn't believe it!!!! GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are two of the big blessings we've gotten lately, and I just had to share!!! Below are also some pictures of what has been keeping so much of my attention!!! School started August 17 this year, and this was my first year of teaching from the BEGINNING of the school year!!! WOOHOO!!! For those of you that arent aware, I came on board as a teacher in the school I'm at now, at the beginning of the second quarter! I basically had come into a classroom that needed some 'cleaning up'. But this year I got to start from scratch! I have attached some pictures of my classroom. We have a 'race car' theme this year! So far, its a great year too!! I can't wait to see what else God has in store!!!!!

God Bless ya'll!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Glasses!

I took Tyler in to his pediatrician for his well check before heading off to kindergarten this year, and she had us go see an opthamologist. (Not just the 'vision center' people in WalMart). He checked Tyler and informed us that Tyler really hasnt been able to see out of his right eye, basically AT ALL, since birth!! Poor baby!!! We had NO idea! Tyler has compensated so well using his left eye! So we went store to store looking for glasses. I completely understand that glasses are expensive, and kids glasses are a double whammy because you go through them so fast. Tyler was very unhappy about the idea of having to wear glasses, so the search for the 'fun' perfect pair began. But Joel and I both were in agreement, if he likes the frames, that's half the battle. We went to Sears, and the very first pair the guy put on him, Tyler totally loved! He actually asked about them first thing the following morning! We went back to Sears, got a pretty good deal on TWO pair of glasses and warranty, and ordered them! Well, we got a call tonight that they were in! We headed to the mall to get his glasses! He was excited and resistant all at the same time! But for the last 2 hours, he has only asked to take them off a few times, but has generally left them on most of the time, and I think he even sometimes 'forgets' they're on! Anyway, long story short, here are some pics of our little guy in his new glasses

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A 5 year olds sensitivity & helpfulness

I'm daily amazed by Tyler, but the other night just about blew my socks off! My parents are out of town, and my grandma called about 9:30 Saturday night saying my grandpa was in bad shape and needed to get to the hospital asap, but refused an ambulance. Needless to say, we jumped in the car, and were on our way. Through a short series of events Happy (as Tyler calls him) decided to go ahead and call the ambulance. We got to their house and I raced inside while Joel and Tyler waited in the car. They loaded him into the ambulance and my grandma and I got back in our car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. We were trying to talk about Happy, and what had happened, and I think intuitively, Tyler sensed the concern, worry and tension in the car. His entire life, he will do anything to make me happy, and when I'm sad or upset at something, he does whatever he can to make me feel better. So during our trip to the ER, he kept interrupting our conversation and wanting me to see his leapster, or color a picture on it with him, or show me how to work a game, anything to keep my mind busy, and not think about Happy!! We were all worried about how Tyler would react seeing his great grandpa in an ambulance with tubes and wires, but he was more concerned about us!! What a great little guy!! So thoughtful and caring! I love it!!!

Yesterday, it was decided today would be 'cleaning day'. We werent going to leave the house, had no plans to go anywhere, except to check grandma & papa's mail, and we were just going to 'veg' at home, and get some laundry and cleaning done. They day had gone pretty much exactly as planned. In the afternoon Tyler said 'Im bored'. I said, well you can go play legos or something, I need to clean the bathroom. He jumped up and said 'can I help?!?!' I dont really know any 5 year olds that would gladly put on big yellow gloves and clean the bathroom! He did the bathtub, rugs, etc. He didnt want to stop until it was all done!! He's so awesome! I'm so blessed to have this little guy!!! :)

Outside Chase Field for D-Backs Game

Crazy Hair Day at School!!

Ring Bearer at Amanda's Wedding

Sneaking a kiss on the Flower Girl!!!!

First time mini-golfing!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kid's Club & Growing Older

Tyler and I started going to a weekly kids club program at the mall. Its every Thursday for an hour, its free, and they sing fun songs, read stories, etc. We started going when he was about 18 months. We went pretty regularly for a few years, then when school started, and I began teaching, Kids Club was no longer an option. Its been about a year and a half since we've been, and out of the blue, Tyler asked yesterday if we could go. I said sure. We got ready and arrived at the mall just in time, found our seat amongst the literally hundreds of out of school kids, and started to watch the show. After sitting through about 2 songs, Tyler had the saddest look on his face. He crawled up on my lap and said he was very sad now because Kids Club is boring! When I told him he had grown up, and Kids Club was for younger kids, and thats why he didnt find it interesting anymore, he just broke down into tears! He was so upset that the Kids Club he used to adore, was no longer fun, because he's getting older!!!! Then we decided to leave, but make a quick trip to the bathroom. In the bathroom, arms folded, pout firmly in place, he looked at me and said 'i'm tired of the attitude!!!!' I tried hard not to laugh and asked him 'whose attitude?' he pointed at himself and resumed his pout/mad face!!! I said, if you dont like your attitude, change it! Thats pretty much all it took! He changed is outlook, and had a pretty decent rest of the morning!! Poor guy! Growing up is hard to do!!!!

Here's a few recent pics....My angel in the Christmas play at school.

Tyler and Alyee (his girlfriend) at baseball awards ceremony!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spring Break in Vegas

We spent a few days in Vegas for Spring Break this year. Joel won a week at a timeshare through his work. We stayed in the Polo Towers, and it was AWESOME!!!! I was able to cook breakfast every morning, while the boys lounged on the couch, walked out on the balcony, or watched tv in any of the 3 rooms!!!! It was great!!! Big yet cozy all at the same time! Right in between MGM and Planet Hollywood!!!! Here are a few pics from our trip!

Daddy and Tyler

Daddy and Tyler at the Shark aquarium in Mandalay Bay.
Caesar's Palace
Caesar's Palace
Bellagio Fountains
Tyler wearing Roman Soldier armor! Shielding himself from the bright Nevada sun!In the hot tub.....on the ROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outside the M&M World on the Strip!

It's About Time!

Well, I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon! This will be a new adventure for me, because I typically dont have much time to set at the computer, unless I'm checking a quick email, or doing things for school! But I will give it my best shot!!! I'm still figuring out my surroundings here, so bear with me, but I'll post pics and stuff soon!! :)